performance needs to cultivate and sustain
a change-ready workplace

Services / Products

Maintenance. We do it for our cars, our appliances, our electronic equipment and our software programs. We do it because we want to protect our investment and make sure these pricey items perform at peak efficiency when we need them to. Most of us take good care of the products and tools that get us where we want to go both literally and figuratively. But what about the information and knowledge that supports our work and that help us get the job done?

At a time when changes in the workplace abound, taking steps to ensure that the strategies and tools that support employee performance are up-to-date and relevant is more important than ever.

Repeatedly, we have created customized performance support solutions that have been game-changers for our clients and their work teams. They have been used to successfully train, guide and support on-the-job performance. But unlike cars and appliances that need to be serviced to stay in top form, performance support tools need to be shaped and adapted to meet the needs of your workplace – and things change. So your performance support solutions have to change, too. It’s a dynamic process that deserves your attention.

Whether you need to add, update or just tweak the performance support solutions you've implemented, taking the time to ensure they continue to meet the needs of your workplace protects your original investment. But, more importantly, it supports ongoing performance needs. You can’t get away from it. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate process. Depending on the nature of the changes in your workplace, maintenance can end up being pretty simple. Especially if you're on top of it. Then you can minimize the uncertainty and performance deficits that normally accompany change.

Take the time to assess your ongoing performance needs. Create a process for maintaining the tools that support on-the-job learning and performance in your workplace. Close the loop that started with establishing good communications practices – and continually manage your workplace performance needs.


  • Executive guidance / support
  • HR Strategies
  • Performance modeling assessments
  • Content maintenance and updating
  • Workplace performance coaching and support


  • Revised performance needs assessments
  • New or revised performance models / standards (if and as required)
  • New or revised content and documentation
  • Content maintenance solutions

See the brochure, Turning Knowledge into Performance

WorkMoves Consulting Inc.

1085 Redtail Private Ottawa, ON K1J OB1